CSU Bakersfield Building Housing for 500 Students

by Katie Sloan

Bakersfield, Calif. — The buildings will be constructed and designed to LEED Gold standards. They will open in February 2015.

CSU Bakersfields’ New 500 Room FacilityA new housing complex will open in 2015 at CSU, Bakersfield.Bakersfield, Calif. — Later this year, California State University, Bakersfield (CUSB), will begin construction on a new student housing complex, consisting of three four-story residential buildings and a single-story support facility. The plans include rooms for 500 students, study rooms, lounges, classrooms, a game room, and a multi-purpose room. Jeff Bernards is the contractor for the project. The building will be designed to achieve the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold equivalency.


It will include operable windows that maximize light and ventilation, high performance glazing, sun shades, energy-efficient light fixtures and controls, low-flush toilets and solar hot water panels. “Residential life is alive and well on the CSUB campus, but a new, state-of-the-art facility is exciting; both for staff and for students,” says Dr. Thomas Wallace, vice president of student affairs at CUSB. “This project will allow residential life to reflect our commitment to excellence in the student experience in a very meaningful and tangible way.” The project includes completion of preliminary plans in March 2013, completion of working drawings October 2013, and commencement of construction in November 2013 with occupancy set to begin in February 2015.

— Katie Sloan

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